Lamb of God, I look to thee;thou shalt my example be,thou art gentle, meek and mild;thou wast once a little child.Lord, I would be as thou art;give me thine obedient heart;thou art pitiful and kind,let me have thy loving mind.Let me, above all, fulfillGod my heavenly Father's will;never his good Spirit grieve;only to his glory live.Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb,in thy gracious hands I am;make me, Savior, what thou art,like thyself within my heart.- Lamb of God I look to Thee
Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God; John 1:29. VerseVisions®, Jesus in Scripture, 2007. Digital Mixed Media on Canvas, 36 x 36 inches. Copyright © 2007 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.
Sometimes when I’m in a state of confusion, I click on flickr and type in ART, and can look at pictures all day if I can. I get into a state of relaxation then I’m captivated for a moment in time and no one can put me in a FUNK. I’m out!!