Sunday, June 7, 2009
Five Guys Burger and Fries on State Street. If you haven't been yet you're really missing out. And you should all go there right now and order fries. So good. Fresh. Nyamammaaam The menu is very simple. Burger with bacon and/or cheese - large or small. Hot dog the same. Fries. All toppings free - mayo, relish, onion (grilled or raw), mustard, hot sauce and more.They are cooked so well. So very, very well. In fact, they make the both the fries and burgers and dogs on the spot. Real meat and potatoes. I cannot describe how happy that makes me, to eat a real potato fry!

Pretty Wings: Maxwell.....beautiful song!
this song is just orgasmic. maxwell is blessed and he never dissapoints. the voice and music are in sync and you know waht , i love his new look as well. ooh! maxwell is a sterling artist in his own right. i like the way he pronounces ” wings” in the chorus. he is indeed unique! id give the song a 12/10