Dear Love,I'm just merely writing you to figure you out. I mean, I know you're out there somewhere, make your guest appearances whenever YOU want to, but yet I still dont have your full grasp. Romantically that is. Through God, I understand that you MUST exist. In John 3:16 it says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." See, right there, what you just read shows unconditional love. Through thick and thin love, never giving up on you love, bring out the best and not pushing your buttons love....a love I haven't come across. How come LOVE? Where the ___ are you "Love"? If that's really your name. And I question its authenticity because I seem to keep coming across your smooth talking identical twin, Lust. He's quite the charismatic one isn't he. Talks a sweet game, but in the end, factors still remain the same. He just wants to f*^k. I'm not down for that kinda party, so I send his ass on pushin'. I'm tired of him coming around, I want to meet Love. I hear about you so much, and see your affects first hand, yet you haven't come to empty out your butterflies in my stomach. We women are really sick and tired of the "clash". You know the clash right? Either he's busy, I'm busy, he's in love with his bestfriend and holding on to her, or the major one, he's unreliable. Un-trustworthy, a bachelor, party promoter, you name it, those are not boyfriend characteristics! What about not being available when a girl really need him to be available. I know you have your work cut out for you, but we're all awaiting your touch. Its as simple as that.
Sincerely,Dreamers of Love
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