Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Asheli Atkins VERY ECLECTIC....

Behind every Vixen Event lies a strong-minded and highly skilled entrepreneur, Asheli Atkins.
With the vision of luxurious and upscale events in mind, while still embracing the modern trends of today, Vixen Events is the next wave in event planning.
With a keen eye for details and a determined attitude, Asheli will assure you that your Vixen Event becomes an effortless escape.
No budget is too small or dream too unrealistic for the Vixen Event enterprise.
you can follow her on twitter: http://twitter.com/VixenAsheli
and check out the website: www.thevixenevents.com
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Train is Coming!!
Heaven is going to be beautiful...keep your focus on God and he will guide your feet towards the right direction!
God bless and have a good day.
Theres a guy name freddi Edo at my school and he looks just like Al Green!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Black Hair Documentary: Pt. 1
check it out pretty good!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Third Vison Ent

CHECK OUT ROBERT JORDAN III he is a talented young man that is all about uplifting the pure sound of music. Today I will be the first one to say that music has turned into something that is unappealing to my ears! Robert is involved in a series of projects at PVAMU one consist of him and his roommates Deuce, and Willie P.
There will be more to come from Third Vison Ent
Here are pieces of statements that Robert has posted on his blog.
My name is Robert Jordan III or better known as Three. My name represents myself and the Men who made me. I'm a Music Producer, Poet, Video Editor, Artist, Writer, Graphic Designer, and creative innovator.
2. What does Third Vision mean?
Well, Im the third (III) and I express myself through creative arts which i consider my visions. This blog is a way to connect my vision of the world to the world.
3. Why do you consider yourself a creative innovator?
I consider myself a creative innovator because of the fact that I love to create music, drawings, videos, lyrics, and basiclly anything that can be altered.
4. Where do you think your creativity came from?
My mother hands down. I got my discipline and mind control from RJ II (r.i.p), but all my creativity and talents were influenced by my mother. She raised me to understand that I can do, express, and create anything that my mind could build.
5. What is it that keeps Robert Jordan III alive?
God, Love, and Creativity.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Omarion's Words
“Fast forward to now,” Omarion continued, “[and] it really made me think that there is a [time as an artist] where there’s going to be a choice. The[entertainment] world [dictates] that you have to be with three or four women, or do this in order to get that [and] I think it’s really interesting. With God and the industry, it’s really dark. The dark side is having to get in, there’s a certain submission you need to have. Just like a gang [initiation], so to speak. You might have to do something against your moral code. I’m not saying that it’s always this way, but when you’re someone that is young and you’re coming up in the industry and you really don’t have a grip on your morals it can be very dark. The game is just about over saturation.
“I don’t know if Rihanna [has fallen victim to those pressures]. I’ve never really heard her speak about it,” he said. “I hope that she doesn’t believe in that stuff and I don’t think that she does, but I don’t know. It’s not just been a Rihanna thing, [there's has been religious speculation] about a lot of artists.”
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Woman Faces Prison for Cutting Line
KENNETT, Missouri - The arrest of a young woman nearly three years ago continues to stir strong feelings in a small Missouri community. The felony trial of Heather Ellis will take place in Kennett, located about 110 miles north of Memphis, on November 18th. For the first time, Ellis' family is telling their side of a story.
It's a spur of the moment move many of us can readily admit we've done in our lives - go shopping with a partner or a relative and try to jump in with whoever manages to find the shortest line at the check-out. Heather Ellis thought it was that simple too, she just didn't know the price she'd have to pay.
Except for its warm recognition as the birthplace of entertainer Sheryl Crow, the small, rural, southeast Missouri community of Kennett in Dunklin County doesn't immediately strike a visitor as a place where big dreams flourish.
But, the lack of success stories produced in town, especially among its mere nine percent African-American population, didn't seem to stop another native daughter of Kennett from having her own sights set high. Heather Renae Ellis was a young woman well on the scholastic path to a promising career in her chosen field of medicine.
Her father, Pastor Nate Ellis, reflected, "She has been taught to love and do the right thing, to strive academically as well as spiritually."
However, nearly three agonizing years ago, the college student's simple late night trip with her fifteen year old cousin to pick up some items for her mother at the local Wal-Mart, set in motion what could prove to be for Heather Ellis the eventual death of her dream.
Ellis' mother laments, "It really hurts. Really bad. And it's been going on three years and it's still like yesterday."
Pastor Ellis adds, "That injustice could raise his head in such an overt way in which it has affected her life."
In January 2007, according to the first of two affidavits produced by Dunklin County authorities, Ellis and her cousin separately entered adjoining check-out lines. Ellis decided to move and join her cousin at the front of the other line because it was moving faster. But, a store employee accused Ellis of "cutting" ahead of other customers. A shift manager notified the store security guard, an off-duty Kennett Police officer.
Lily Blackmon, Ellis' aunt, picks up the story saying, "He got his radio because they kept saying, she's cut the line. Not saying my son is in line and they're together. And they're trying to explain. No, we're together. No, you cut line!"
It's here where the information contained in the probable cause affidavit submitted by one of the five Kennett Police officers called to the scene, and the account of what happened Ellis and her family allege, are presented in sharp contrast.
In the Ellis version, she was shoved by another customer, had her items pushed aside by the clerk and then was short-changed when she finally was checked out. The police affidavit contends, at numerous times, Ellis became belligerent, loud, abusive and cursing when she was told to leave by the store's assistant manager. Summoned by a frantic phone call from her son, as the pair walked out to the parking lot, Blackmon says she arrived in time to witness her niece being brutalized by police during attempts to place her in a squad car.
Blackmon remembers, "She said 'I'm not resisting.' She was screaming and crying. They took her head and he bammed it on the back of that, on the back of that police car, and she said, 'I'm not resisting. Please stop!'"
Blackmon, who has worked for eleven years as a probation officer in town, knew at least one of the officers and she alleges she asked why her niece was receiving such rough treatment.
Blackmon continued, "I said, I cannot believe what I just saw. I said what is going on? And all he could say was she cursed."
Ellis was charged with disturbing the peace, trespassing, resisting arrest and two counts of assaulting a police officer. Yet, curiously after being described in the police affidavit as "completely out of control" during her arrest, she was released to the custody of her parents to receive medical attention only 45 minutes after being jailed. However, her arrest triggered a whole series of problems. Although she returned to school in Louisiana, two months later, an attorney hired by the family tried to talk Heather into taking a plea deal offered by powerful Dunklin County Prosecutor, Stephen Sokoloff.
Blackmon explained, "The plea agreement says, if she signs the plea agreement, it would be dropped to one misdemeanor, peace disturbance. Assaulting, two felony assaulting officers and you gonna drop it to one peace. Because the bottom line, I won't sue."
Mrs. Ellis was asked, "You had actually put in papers to sue them?"
"We had never done any of that."
However, eleven months after her arrest and with her family alleging there was no written or verbal notification at all, the misdemeanor charges against Heather Ellis were suddenly dismissed. However,
the Ellis' family joy was short-lived. A friend of Heather's discovered some shocking news.
Blackmon relates, "He was running a record check. There was a warrant out there for her arrest. Dangerous felon assaulted officers. Dangerous!"
Mrs. Ellis says she went directly to prosecutor Sokoloff's office to find out why Heather now faced felony counts, that if convicted, could see her face fifteen years in prison.
She asserts, "I said why would you want to fight this young lady? You don't even know her. I mean we went in this conversation. 'Mrs. Ellis, when you get through I don't care what you say. You may as well take my way out. My way was the plea bargain. If you don't take that way, I can assure you you'll never win in here.'"
As she approaches a trial date on November 18th, and despite reportedly losing two jobs and her chance to enter medical school because of the pending felonies on her previously unmarked record, Heather Ellis has continued to refuse to sign any plea bargain offered by Sokoloff's office.
FOX13 News twice attempted to meet with Sokoloff on our trip to Kennett. But, we were told he was in court and unavailable. However, in a September e-mail written by Sokoloff to the website mediastudy.com and supplied to FOX13 News, the prosecutor insists a store video, to be introduced at trial, allegedly clearly shows Ellis cursing at officers as they followed her out of the store and that there was no excessive force used by police in her arrest.
However, another Ellis aunt, Luetta Wright, says such an assertion is typical of Sokoloff.
"Stephen Sokoloff is not for the law. He's rewriting it as he goes and it is not for mankind."
Heather Ellis has found a teaching job in Louisiana, but in between, she and her family allege they have endured unexplained and frustrating continuances, the recusals of three previous judges from the case and the recent hiring of a fourth defense attorney since her arrest. The obvious question is, why go through all this? Why fight a fight you've been told you cannot win?
Mrs. Ellis firmly stated, "Character. Integrity. Honesty. You mean we steadily invested in our daughter to put her in prison for nothing? And the only way she can avoid prison is lie and say something that she didn't do."
Pastor Ellis concluded, "We must win. Because Dr. King said, an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tanya James
Is it just me or does it seem like the art of servanthood has truly gotten a bad reputation lately? It just doesn't seem to be something people care about anymore. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind may be those who work in customer service and the attitudes some of them may carry.
However, I am talking about serving others outside the work place (although inside the work place is important as well). But when is the last time, you went out of your way to serve another person? By serving, I mean in the most simplistic way of helping or assisting another person.
Obviously it's important because the Bible is full of examples of people serving others. Jesus was constantly reaching out to help another person. So if we are called to follow His lead and lifestyle ... why have we allowed serving to fall by the way side?
Do we think being a servant is beneath us? Is it that there aren't enough accolades or praises given to those that serve? Or do we just not care enough to help someone else because we are too busy caught up in what we need for ourselves?
Perhaps you are one of the people that still believe in and take the time to serve others. Why are you serving?
It's important to continuously check your motive for serving. Are you serving to get something back in return? Are you serving, so you can brag about what you did later? Are you only serving because you feel you have to and not because you want to? If your motives for serving are not pure ... you really might as well not be serving at all.
Hopefully you are serving ... and hopefully you are serving out of the goodness of your heart ... but if not, it's never too late to start ... or to start over. Let's all make a conscious effort to find ways to be more Christ like and one of those ways would be to roll up our sleeves and look for opportunities to serve others. There is always someone that can use a little extra help or assistance ... just remember to keep a pure heart while serving.
Founder and president of The Master Plan, Tanya James
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I just wanted to post this flyer SPEAK UP OR SHUT UP...1: Because this will our school’s first town hall meeting since we’ve been back on campus, and 2: because I designed the flyer!
Speak Up or Shut Up will be a debate between the administration, and the students of Prairie View A&M University we will discuss issues like: Security, Finical Aid, and Health Awareness, Counseling, and Student life. The student and the Administration will be able to express their views on certain issues that need to be addressed.
This will begin September 29, 2009 at 6pm!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Concreteloop.com .....
Thursday, September 10, 2009

( A doctor administers a blood test to an unidentified subject )
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment began in 1932, when the Public Health Service started working with the Tuskegee Institute to study the effects of syphilis on the human body. However, the nearly 400 poor black men who participated in the study were never informed they even had syphilis nor were they treated for it.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the men were told they were being treated for “bad blood”, a local term used to describe several illnesses, including syphilis, anemia and fatigue. In exchange for their participation, the men were given free medical exams, free meals and free burial insurance. Although originally projected to last 6 months, the study went on for 40 years.
Dr. Taliaferro Clark is credited with the origin of the study after he suggested the racial variation in the effects of syphilis so that Southern legislators would increase funding for treatment programs. Clark believed Macon County would be the perfect location for the study as it had one of the highest rates of syphilis in the nation.
Tuskegee Institute agreed to support the study if it received “its full share of the credit” and black professionals were involved. Dr. Eugene Dibble, and nurse Eunice Rivers, who both worked at John Andrew Hospital at the Tuskegee Institute, were recruited.
Following Clark’s retirement, Dr. Raymond H. Vonderlehr was appointed director of the research program. Instead of studying syphilis during a defined period of time in the population, as Clark had proposed, he decided that the study would continue until all the men died and their bodies could be examined.
At the beginning of the study, there was no proven treatment for syphilis. Even after penicillin became a standard cure for the disease in 1947, the medicine was withheld from the men so scientists could continue to study how the disease spreads and kills. With the assistance of local and government health officials, Tuskegee Institute, physicians and draft boards, the men were never to be treated.
The experiment went on for four decades, until Peter Buxtun, a social worker and epidemiologist, leaked the story to the media. By then, dozens of the men had died, and many wives and children had been infected. In 1973, a class-action lawsuit was filed, awarding a $9 million settlement to be divided among the study’s participants and free health care to be given to survivors, infected wives, widows and children.
In 1997, President Bill Clinton formally apologized for the unethical study, saying what the government had done was deeply, profoundly and morally wrong:
“To the survivors, to the wives and family members, the children and the grandchildren, I say what you know: No power on Earth can give you back the lives lost, the pain suffered, the years of internal torment and anguish.
What was done cannot be undone. But we can end the silence. We can stop turning our heads away. We can look at you in the eye and finally say, on behalf of the American people: what the United States government did was shameful.
And I am sorry.”
Ernest Hendon, the last living survivor of the study, died Jan. 16, 2004. He was 96.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sarah-Pimp! and MontE Eclectic Cru
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009
Sublimely Powerful

Never in my 22 young years of existence have I ever felt such a strong sense of purpose. A moment in this journey towards eternal life, I feel may be the most impactful for me than any other experience thus far or to come- the opportunity and privilege of teaching and cultivating the future of our world. I have suddenly conjured up an excuse for teachers not being the highest paid career in the history of careers. Its because teachers pay is there students success. Teachers pay is the excitement of waking up early every morning to go and dictate the future through what we teach and instill in our students. WOW, do I feel powerful or what! This life of purpose that GOD has bestowed upon me is simply unbelievable, I CONTROL THE FUTURE. OK,I'm a bit redundant but its for a... purpose! lol. I have been chosen for the teaching and preparing of these little naive, malleable, ambitious creatures that we refer to as students. These students are essentially the FUTURE itself! they will be the next OBAMA, the next GATES, the next OPRAH. Somewhere in a classroom is Malcom X reincarnated, Huey P. Newton born again, Mother Theresa, Michael Jackson, James Brown and Jay Z, Colin Powell and Shirley Chisolm waiting for their time and opportunity to assume their rightful positions in society. My ability to activate these leaders inside of all of them is a beautiful burden. My effectiveness of explaining a verb versus a noun, a simile versus rhyme scheme will ultimately contribute to the channeling of their unique God given Genius. It is quite possible I might spend more time with my students than their parents and family, I hope not, yet a sad reality for some. My ability to inspire, to motivate, to educate and create curiosity will ultimately mold them into who they will become. Observe a classroom and there you have it, the most credible source for predicting the future(besides, obviously, the fact that GOD controls life itself) . Forget the statistics, the solution and the answer to the mystery of life tomorrow lies in the student and their capacity to learn and grow into meaningful citizens of this global community. I feel sorry for any teacher that is just going through the motions and has yet to realize their enormous obligation and POWER. Yet, I look forward to their moment of epiphany because man is it surreal, well at leat it was for me! Teachers are the surrogate fathers and mothers of children all over the world. Everything I do when planning for class is always deeply rooted in, "how does this increase lifetime opportunities for my students and society". This power I am so excited about is not power I solely posses but the power I speak of is completely dependent upon and only exist (in regards to me) when I TRANSFER it from my myself to the students. The ability to transfer, rather transcend power from myself to my students is what makes me feel so meaningful. I feel it is my duty to not only make sure my students retain the technical info needed to past standardized test, but to teach them life skills that prepare them for when life and the operating of society is officially transferred from me and other generations to their generation. It is my hope and dream that the daily affirmations, newspaper articles, inspirational songs, the chants,the pep talks and the one-on-one teaching meshed with my passion and their drive will translate into them possessing sublime power that will pave the road of progress and evolution for the human species. We are all teachers, whether in or out of a class, whenever we see someones "lack of whatever it is we have that can help elevate their state of existence", we then become SUBLIMELY POWERFUL. So I challenge all to think about what exactly are you doing with this power that you possess,because it really isn't effective power if you cannot not transfer and transcend it to continue beyond your stay here on earth. Do you want your power to die when you die?
Please excuse any typos, I'm suppose to be working and stopped and typed this, now I have to get back on task
-Alex D
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009

As you know this movie renamed Precious will be in theaters Nov 6, 2009, the previews for the movie are blowing up the air ways and internet every day. After watching the previews for this movie I had to read the book to see what it’s about…it succeeded every expectation of my thoughts. Now I should warn you that it this book is disturbing, but it shows the Struggles that this young girl went through. I hope many of you can purchase the book then see the movie THaNKS!!
Light Skin or Dark Skin!- By: DANA
Gentlemen, ask yourselves this question: If there are two girls, they both have the same type of beauty: cute face, shape, and everything. Which one would you approach? However, the only difference between these two gorgeous young ladies is one is dark skinned and the other is light skinned. Ladies, the same question goes for you.
Fall semester 2007, my friends, Keisha, Monica and I gave a survey to at least 15 PVAMU male students by asking them this same question. 75 percent chose light-skinned, 20 percent chose dark-skinned, and five percent chose both.
The reason for this survey was that Keisha, a dark-skinned female, attempted to prove a point to Monica and me. She stated that male students on our campus tend to ignore the dark-skinned females. Monica and I had never encountered this situation before or even noticed it for this matter. After our research, we came to the conclusion that she was right.
Monica would be considered a light-skinned female; however growing up, her family encouraged her to believe dark-skinned women were prettier than light-skinned women. She was often ridiculed for being lighter than most of her family members.
I, myself, could be considered in between dark and light-skinned. I had never been exposed to the criticism of the color of my skin. Personally, my battle was with another African-American issue: which was good-hair versus bad-hair.
The media could be a huge influence on how we perceive certain images, regarding light-skinned and dark-skinned women. Rapper Young Berg, best known for his recent hit "Give you the business," was recently reported on an XM radio interview as referring to dark-skinned woman as "dark butts." He stated that deep, brown skin tone women are not dateable for him because they just do not look good enough. According to him the women he dates must pass a "pool test," meaning the woman must look just as good as she did before she stepped into the pool and her hair should not be "nappy" when stepping out of the pool. He is also reported to say that he wanted nobody darker than him. Furthermore, the next day, after the interview, Young Berg made a public apology to all dark-skin women, claiming that he was sincerely remorseful. Also, he informed the public that his mother is a dark-skinned female.
However, rappers and their influence should not get all of the blame, due to the fact that L'Oreal cosmetics shot an ad with Beyonce. They attempted to darken her skin in the ad for Essence magazine, but lightened it in the ads for the mainstream magazine. Is it possible that L'Oreal darkened the ad for Essence magazine?
The originality of the entire issue within our African-American community, came from the William Lynch speech and letter. A slave owner of the West Indies declared that he discovered the "secret" to controlling enslaved Africans. This theory was an address delivered by Willie Lynch in Virginia 1712 regarding control of slaves within the colony. The letter informs other slave masters how to control slaves mentally by setting them against one another.
"I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years...
I use fear, distrust, and envy for control purposes. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies, and it will work throughout the South... Take this simple little test of differences and think about them. On the top of my list is "Age", but it is there because it only starts with an "A"; the second is "Color" or shade; there is intelligence, size, sex, size of plantations, attitude of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine or coarse hair, or is tall or short...
I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust, and envy is stronger than adulation, respect, or admiration. The black slave, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self refueling and self generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands...you must use the dark skinned slaves versus the light skinned slaves, and the light skinned slaves versus the dark skinned slaves," said Lynch.
Willie Lynch discovered that when the slaves worked together, they were very productive and successful, possibly more than other races. Consequently, he figured out a way to keep the slaves ignorant and mentally dysfunctional.
Today, an issue that black people probably struggle with is attempting to conceive "pretty light skinned or light-brown skinned babies." As a people, we should strive to improve our personal perceptions of our race. So that when we do have children, we can teach them to love themselves and embrace the race they originated from.